Really something to have been born in 1970, know about "Small Is Beautiful" and Limits to Growth, and have seen civilization just strap rocket boosters on its self-destruction. The answers have always been there, and always will be.
Yeah. I'm a '47 model myself. I remember small farms, haystacks, a two lane highways. I was 9 when they passed the Interstate Highway Act, and by the time I was 21 they'd become dominant.
A brilliant rant, Jeff, and a great summary of our omnicidal system that’s wholly incompatible with the biosphere. Scream if you wanna go faster!
Thanks, Jack. Rant it is.
Really something to have been born in 1970, know about "Small Is Beautiful" and Limits to Growth, and have seen civilization just strap rocket boosters on its self-destruction. The answers have always been there, and always will be.
Yeah. I'm a '47 model myself. I remember small farms, haystacks, a two lane highways. I was 9 when they passed the Interstate Highway Act, and by the time I was 21 they'd become dominant.
Katy bar the door.